
As a part of the STRENCO project, for the Intensve Programme at the University of Salford, students from each participating university have been asked to work with a Community of Practice in their country to prepare a Blog or Vlog that represents:

“What is collaborative mental health care in your country?”

Belgium (Vives University)

In this presentation we would like to give an overview of the situation of ‘collaborative working’ in Belgium.   It’s still a work in progress.   We started with the features from the past, then the present and ended with a (possible) preview of the future.  

Vives University (Belgium) Collaborative Practice in mental health

Vives Presentation

Finland (Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences)

JAMK´s nursing students approached this theme from the different point of view. There are laws and recommendations how mental health care should be organized in Finland. But… quite often there is a gap between the recommendations and reality. It causes difficulties in collaborative mental health care in every day life. You can find students´ Prezi-presentation from here:

Mental health care in Finland

Finland (Tampere University of applied science)

Greetings from Tampere! We are making a large social and health services reform here in Finland. Therefore, instead of total overview of the current situation of collaborative working in Finland, we focused our presentation to the Expertise by Experience (EbE). In addition, here is our animation video:

Greece (University of West Attica)

As graduate students at the University of West Attica, we made this video using our knowledge from our studies in Community Health (health visiting) and after visiting many mental health facilities in Athens, in order to present the collaborative mental health care in Greece.

Ireland (Trinity College Dublin)

For the purposes of the Irish investigation into collaboration in mental health care, we undertook a SCOT analysis of the concept in an effort to better understand what it is that makes up collaboration as we understand it in Ireland at present.

Collaboration in mental health: An Irish Narrative based on SCOT analysis

A timeline for the emergence of collaboration and co-production in Irish Mental Health

United Kingdom (University of Salford)